Ms. Kanchan Gupta has beautifully illustrated the attitude of US towards India and vice versa. One thing that is often taught in the business of life is that respect is not asked for/ begged but earnt. Any nation that seriously respects itself would first enter the world of realpolitik and not depend on moralities to protect its interests. This cannot be illustrated any better than the US foreign policy which essentially puts US first. I have read earlier about a US statesman quipping that the "US foreign policy is devoted to ensuring continuity to the current situation of allocation of over 50% of the world's resources to the US populace which constitutes 9% of the world". The current sale is primarily candy for Pakis and jobs for US.
In politics promises are made to be broken and morality only places the nation at a loss. If we really did learn from history(which our Nehruvian politicians, damn them, never seem to) we'd quit making the peace overtures and reciprocate in a manner intolerable to Pakis their act of fomenting trouble in India.
India is a big country and should act it's stature. Groveling never bought respect to the Greeks, Romans or Germans and so will it for India