I heard a story in my childhood about two monkeys quarrelling over a "chapati" (flat bread) and a third one, very shrewd and cunning than the other two, took the advantage, rather opportunity, to eat it up all leaving the two purplexed, and hungry.
That is what happening with india and pakistan. US is making full use of all the opportunities to extract as most as it can. But poor rivals will not left with anything finally. Dont know when the things will settle down and when the people will be more open minded.
The issue between india and pakistan is between india and pakistan only. Let it be between us. Why should we give others opportunities to make full use the situation and make fool us everytime by their shrewd and selfish politics. I appreciate to take help of a third party who is neutral in the issue and not seeking any profit out of it.
It is good to have relationship with other nations whatever it may be, but make a notice that it is not interfering into the internal politics and affairs, and not jeopardising our self-respect and prejudice.