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'Ahimsa' - No more an achievement path
by Sriharsha Vedurmudi on Mar 29, 2005 02:35 PM

It has been quite apparant that US (their Govt.) is playing double standards with India from a long time. It is high time that our leaders realize this and work towards being a totally independent power. Whats lacking? We have the brain (even after many people run away from their motherland in pursuit of useless glamour). We can solicit financial support (if need be) from trustworthy friends. We can prove (as we've done in the past) that we can bring any problem down to its knees.
Once it becomes apparant that we are making ourselves self-reliable, a cold shiver will run down USA's spine and they will try to win our confidence using all acrobatics they know. It is then that they will treat you with equal respect.

These American dip. are like dogs. They tease you even more when you appear scared of them or give them too much humble attention, but when you shoo them away, they turn their tails inwards and turn around.

The best thing would be to let the Defence take its own decisions (to maximum extent). Let them require premission only to launch a nuke war.

- Proud Indian.

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US tells India, drop dead