Dear Mr. Raman, Nice to hear from an expert who is not a BJP supporter to come out and speak up against the way some secularists are trying to potray this country to the outside world. India has always been a land which has suffered from its dose of Jaychands and these secularists aren't any different . When a family dispute is opened to the arbitrage of an outsider no one in the family gains but these jingoists would never understand this. Furthermore , Arundhati Roys of India never understand that healthy criticism also have boundaries as far as ethics and national interests are concerned. I read an article from Ms Roy which was replete with such lies in order to tarnish Modi that even a novice like myself could decipher these. Being a leading writer in her own right it is to be expected that she writes something after verifying her stories. Another lie being propagated which i think was the major reason for the cancellation of his visa was Mr. Modi's comparision with hitler which would surely have created the spectre of anti-semitism which is a sensitive issue in US, to surface and hence lobbying against his arrival by the oh os sensitive US Congressmen