Have been in the United States since 2 years and have seen Indians hating each other for the "cheapest" reasons possible and this case is no different ... The ego problem has been prevailing and should be in the future too. Yes am from Gujarat and am ashamed of what happened .. infact we all are but that doesnt mean people should keep on raising this issue where ever they get a chance. Yes, this topic brings along large audience and claps but this didnt go any further ... we all saw the performance of the BJP! and they too have now realised ... cash time is over for them. Infact people have been working hard to improve the image of Gujarat. Lets accept the fact that it was a mistake of both communities and forget about who started and what happened and yes i know wounds take time to heal, but it should be given time to heal RIGHT? Instead we start scratching the wounds instead of applying medicine on it ..... and its the PRESS doing this stuff ... people try to forget things and theres the PRESS coming with some other topic of GUJARAT and then again it doesnt forget to metion about this riots .... how can it forget .. common people .. you are the ones who start a persons day!