I think the author was completely out of his minds when he wrote this artcle. I read this article and I cant see any logic or connection. If the so called indian backstabbers were so particular in humiliating an indian leader purely based on religious beleifs and went out of the way to lobby against Modi to enter the US then the same people could have done that to any BJP leader who visited the US in the last couple of years. Does the author really beleive that the christian Indian-americans would have lobbied against vajpayee in the same manner they did against Modi. Infact Vajpayee was the PM at the time of the riots and failed to act which can be argued as a good reason to deny him entry into the US. I agree all the leaders during riots maynot have thier names in the NHR commision as accused but in this case the author seems to make head and tails out of thin air. Don't get me wrong, I do not support Modi or his policies of hindutva, I think we are unnecessarily giving him the importance that he doesn't deserve. The US denied him Visa based on thier own judgement and thats that. lets not make it into a "war of the democracies" issue.