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What next
by sreeram on Mar 22, 2005 11:41 AM

Well Musharaf was responsible for kargil but US always
give him red carpet welcome.There is no problem with Musharaf or Amanullah khan JKLF leader whose organisation had killed thousands of pandits in kashmir.Self proclaimed secularist experts like Arundhati roy do not have any problem holding hands with yasin malik of jklf,but they are happy with this US decision.Modi did not do the right thing,but what US has done and also the so called secularist organisations who campaigned for not granting visa is also not right.Tommorow they can start dictating how politics in India should be conducted and who should stand for polls and who should not.Is India listening?

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The above message is part of the Discussion Board:
Modi''s visa denial: Who did it?