I couldnt agree more with you, I also dont like modi, if I could, and I would have put him in jail for rest of his life for what he allowed to happen in Gujarat. But because he is so called evil, we cant get a third party and get justice for the people of Gujarat, thats completely antinational. Today because some lobbying done by some stupid in USA they have denied visa to Modi, imagine a case US denying a Visa to President Kalam, because they feel he helped India develop Nuclear weapon when it was not supposed to!!. Also involving USA to do this only means we have no trust in Indian constitution or Indian courts, which is the height of antinationalism. What has happened now has a very similar parallel in our history, twice when we involved outsiders in our own fight, they ended up ruling us, once it was done by Jaichand to fight with Prithvi Raj Chauhan and other time was to invite babar to defeat the king in Delhi, and rest we all know what has happened after that.So guys, it is good to be antimodi, but I suggest you dont close your eyes for nationalism by using antimodi tape. So dont take pride in US denying Visa to him. Let the good sense prevail