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The concept of time...
by Nitesh on Mar 22, 2005 02:43 AM

Hi!, Let me get to the point straight. It is the idea of time. How is it related to this Modi's denial to US visa. Well, it is in many ways. First, a correct action, simply because it was not taken against everyone, need not become a wrong action. There can be many reasons, but essentially it is about level of awareness and development of people. In realm of crime, there are always some who get away. This does not mean, those who are caught should be let away. Second, Modi is different from the earlier ones. If someone has problems in seeing that, it says a lot about that individual. The point is not just religious fanaticism but intolerance at its extreme. Third, please do not breed the idea of excessive nationalism. It can be dangerous to the extreme as seen in the case of pre-war Japan. Contributing to nation because one feels for the people living over there is different from just being proud about being an Indian. Also because, national boundaries have changed and will continue to do so. In such cases, it is only people with too high a tone of nationalism who end being fanatics.

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The above message is part of the Discussion Board:
Modi''s visa denial: Who did it?