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Rhetoric over Rationale ?
by Ritu on Mar 28, 2005 09:13 PM

I think this is more rhetoric than rationale. I tend to agree that Modi being denied visa is audacious because
a)These are diplomatic matters and such denials tantamount to a diplomatic policy. Modi is not an individual he represents the Govt of India. Sure he is a first class scoundrel but that is our internal affair. We should have kicked him out ourselves. But since we decided to keep him on the job we better face the music stand by him. If Modi is refused a visa then the PM should also be refused. After all he is ultimately responsible for whatever happens in the country. Right?
b)As everyone states.. US does not have a clean human rights record themselves. But when did they care for that? Might is right after all!!
However, the author making claims that Indians and esp. so-called secularists are responsible for it to me exhibits symptoms of the chronic hindutva virus. His insinuations are all in the air without any substantial grounding. Who are the so-called secularists? How have they influenced the US? And why does he believe that the US is a willing duck to the Machiavellian tactics of the secularists? And why has secularist become a dirty word in our country?

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The above message is part of the Discussion Board:
Modi''s visa denial: Who did it?