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RE:this is a fact
by vivek on Mar 24, 2005 10:38 AM

For Gujarat to be healed MODI MUST BE PUNISHED BY INDIAN LAW. NO OTHER MEDICINE. Do Gujarat administration have the guts to do that?

Otherwise how can the wounds be healed? I dont understand. On one hand you prosecute those who set train to fire (I firmly support it, it should be) but same time you allow the murderers and rapists to move freely in the state with full state support. Unless this is corrected Gujarat wounds will never get healed and India globally will face the embrassement wherever and whenever the issue is raised.

In no other incident in independant India a state machinery was found engaged in sectarian killings, not in Sikh riots. By doing so GUJARAT HAS DARED THE INDIAN FEDERATION AND ITS CONSTITUTION AND DECLARED AN INDIRECT WAR ON THE INDIAN FEDERAL REPUBLIC. This is a blot on our country. Most state goverments in India have warned Gujarat administration and even the PM Vajpayee. Has Gujarat corrected this? No.

Till then Gujarat will be a shame on India, our constitution and a stick in the arm of international community to beat India. We cant avoid that. We are left with no defence if the issue come over and over again.

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Modi''s visa denial: Who did it?