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Another Hypocrite
by Harshad on Mar 22, 2005 05:00 PM

Dear Mr. Chaudhari,

What Mr. Raman said is absolutely right. Even I do not like what Mr. Modi did in Gujarat. But somehow I feel that the truth is lost in the hype that is created. I have full faith in the legal system and ballot system in India. If he can win election by fair means (unlike Lalus of this country who do it by muscle power), he has every right to hold the constitutional post. Our courts may take lot of time, but eventually justice will be done. And if he is found guilty, he has to step down and other countries can restrict him. Till then, even if action like that taken by USA serves the narrow purpose of pseudo secularists, it is not in the interest of the nation and its democratic system as a whole. We should refrain from scoring such small points if we have faith in the system and are assured of final victory. If we are not sure about that, then we can keep on beating our chests like some of the contributors of these column. But then we deserve Modis of this world too. Mr. Chaudhary please think over Mr. Raman's view point to avoid loosing focus of the larger issue.

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