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Nepal and the Red Revolutionaries
by Dharmendra Goel on Feb 10, 2005 03:25 PM

This is true that poor Nepalis are being deprived by the squeeze of Chinese dragon and its Prachand minions as earlier Tibetans were ousted of their culture and deprived o Dalai's benign patriarchy and were forcibly led by comrades from Han mainlands.
But can the squabbling Koiralas and Deubas of Nepal or the unreconstructed Monarchist Gyanendra offer any progres or prosperity to long suffering Nepalese society having its own ethnic ,religious and linguistic diversities? Dont know,they are too close to us in location , history and world experience to be
allowed to go down the drain like boneless carrion..
we must help to restore order ,at once..D. Goel

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Nepal: Help, not sermons