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Common sense is the most uncommon thing...
by Rajeev Venkat on Feb 10, 2005 01:37 PM

i have several times wondered why we lack basic common sense in our approach to international diplomacy. why do we goof-up everywhere it matters & a brash Dictator like Musharraf pulls it off? are we more irritating in the global forum than the Chinese?

i think your article answers it all - we simply lack common sense & agree or not we have not yet got over the hangover of the half-baked Nehruvian Doctrine which was Left-Leaning in the garb of Democracy. Natwar Singh may put up a face of a 'know-all' but there is no doubt that we are shooting down on our foot. mark my words, within the next 2-3 years, kashmir will burn under the focus of the USA under the push of Pakistan & backing of China. very soon, after 'resolving' the Palestine issue & threatening Iran, the new US administration will have no other work but to get after our happiness. With our stupid policies we are only preponing the appointment..

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