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god awful movie .....S.O.S
by slash on Nov 17, 2007 01:22 AM

this has to take the cake for the worst movie directed. frankly shah rukh is ok, deepika could have been better used by the director, she makes an impressive debut. shreyas is good. the sets were ok, the script could have been turned into something else.

WTF!!! what were they thinking while making this movie ? what were all those actors about ? why those long - make that extra long songs about ? karz had a definite theme to it, and they made a simple straight forward movie. whats with this forect gump style opening to the movie? why does it seem that the movie is never gonna start seriously until after well past interval ? whats with that 70s style not faithfully reproduced ? shah rukh khan in his first life (in the movie) dies after getting beaten & burnt badly, and yet when they show the body it has a couple of scratches on it. oh, for gods' sake a couple of drops of ketchup would have made it look better than what was in the movie.

sheesh... its not even worth reviewing. you just feel that the entire bollywood, farah khan leading the pack, are escorting you out of the theatre, laughing hysterically that you've been made an ass and poorer by whatever yu paid (plus the pop corn and other fare). i wish the chandelier that fell, was a mishap on the producer, director and other key members who made the movie. happy diwali guys.... belated but, i shudder to think of the horror brought upon a diwali weekend of so many paying public.

once again...sheesh! what a waste!

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