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RE:OSO --- OH SHIT OH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
by venu on Nov 18, 2007 06:21 PM

All those people who compare Bollywood to Hollywood know very little about either BWD or HWD. BD and HD make very different movies. HD has already gone through this phase of BD. The phase where you make movies for pure entertainment. BD has developed tremendously(and faster than hollywood did) in the recent years while HD seems to be stuck in the artsy phase where the movies are the same old same old and have the same old same old concepts. Isn't anyone getting sick of watching them? HD, not BD, should either improve its standards or move on man.
And DISHI, FYKI, People in India are watching the films being made by BD. Bollywood's movies' primary audience are indians and secondary audience are NRIs. WE like them. yes, there are flops here and there but its the same there in your beloved USA.
Please keep your suggestions about standards to yourself.
mukka english raadu, cuttingluki karuvu ledu. india ki raa, ikkada standards ento chepta. naalugu peekithe malli USA anavu.

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