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shame on media
by budhaditya saha on Apr 18, 2007 07:15 PM

I think there are lot of people who wants to get
some interesting news too...pls don't see above
junk article in rediff....

I want to post other interesting news too.

"The Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters has decided to award the Abel Prize for 2007 to Srinivasa S.R. Varadhan, Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, New York. He receives the prize for his fundamental contributions to probability theory and in particular for creating a unified theory of large deviation.

He is from chennai and did his Phd in Indian statistical Institute , kolkata.

pls visit
for details information. Abel prize is considered to be one of the most prestigious award and is considered as noble prize in mathematics. I was thinking that rediff would have covered this news....but they only take care of junk get cheap publicity....

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