The relationship per the stars will not work out. Abhi is an aquarian and Ash a scorpio. An Aquarius boy and a Scorpio girl don%u2019t make a good combination in love, although they may be able to be good friends. Scorpio can be drawn to the Aquarius boy%u2019s cool personality. He is clever and self-assured and you can have great conversations with him. He is also opinionated, though, and he can be very sarcastic in arguments, which will hurt the Scorpio. Scorpio won%u2019t be able to get her way with this guy, who is an expert at keeping his emotions on the inside. This would be a very frustrating relationship for Ash. She simply needs more emotion and tenderness than he has to give. Not a recommended match. Both are fixed signs, and in astro lingo, this means that as long as both are in agreement, everything is wonderful. When they disagree-look out. Each of them believes they have to win an argument, and talking it out is not something Scorpio wants to do. This relationship can work-but only if both are willing to communicate and with an aquarius by your side he will not be willing to cooperate on this for long, though in the initial stages!