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They suck!
by on Apr 20, 2007 07:48 AM

Honestly, who made these people stars...who gave them the love they recieve, who put them in place of gods, worship thier every move, watch their movies, attend their shows, buy their music....ITS THE PUBLIC. And now the exact same public is being treated like crap. If it wasn't for the public, neither Ash nor Abhishek would be where they are today. Don't go all crazy on me you Ash and Abhi fans. All i'm saying is- when you become a celebrity you sign your personal away- life is no more just yours. If personal life is so personal to you, these people shouldn't become CELEBRETIES! will it kill any of them to let all those fans sitting outside in the scorching heat ONE PICTURE, ONE GLIMPSE, ONE MINUTE of their stuck up lives.

It's all a publicity stunt. They're trying to be so unreachable and undercover- its sickening. Salman/Katrina are so chilled out, Preity/Ness are so relaxed, Kajol and Ajay were so cool...why do the Bachans have to react so excessively?

WE, THE PUBLIC, THE ONES THEY ARE TREATING LIKE DIRT ON THE ROAD ARE THE ONES WHO GAVE THEM THE STATUS THEY HAVE. Had we never watched their movies, they would have never gotten noticed, never gotten signed for more movies and never made the millions they are wasting on decorating a home for one day whereas they could be feeding the thousands dying of starvation on a daily basis.

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