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They haven't done any thing new
by Sheetal Kaur on Apr 20, 2007 04:23 PM

Nilofar Shaikh, you are right there is nothing new, but the hype by media is to make money by feeding useless information in to fools like us. Wait for to-morrow when all the newspapers and magazines will be full of photographs.
How this will make our lives better I don%u2019t know.
Who will be buying them us idiots whose pockets are burning with money to spend and can%u2019t wait to get hold of these newspapers and brood over them?
And who will be laughing all the way to bank, you guessed it right, it will be the media.
Give another day and all this hoo-ha will be forgotten all this hype will be confined to history books. Until something like a divorce or a baby comes along and the hype will start all over again. Mark my words

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