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RE:RE:Madam I am your Adam
by gaurang on May 01, 2007 10:50 AM

Some moron may like to believe that if it was part of a script, everything is fine. Lip locks are fine, belly dancing is fine, lusting an 18 yr od is fine, love making scenes is also fine. They say it is reel life. Ohhh? If art imitates life, does not life imitate art? And whats more, is this CRAP called art? Does it have any healthy or social message? NONE at all. If it was reel and so unreal then why dont we use animations instead of human beings? Why not use kathputlis? huh?

You cannot get away by saying it was "required by the story, or by the script or by the actor" BS to that. What is shown in films translates to life and telling your daughter in law,"madam I am your adam" is unpardonable. Do what you want in the closed doors of your own home. Dont show us this filth. I agree with your kirankumar.

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