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RE:RE:Re Rajwa Bahut Angrez ho Gaya hai kya?
by Murli on Jan 11, 2008 04:06 PM

U r speaking like if you are not from India ..what is your national language if it is not Hindi?
Jhingalalahuhu? or some else tribal language or don't know your root and prefer to adopt the boss language of slavery English?
English is identity of our slavehood...more you speak more you carry that blood!
You need to go to primary school first in order to get your GK corrected as well as dictionary to know the differnece between rashtrabhasha and daftarbhasha and correct your translation accordingly.
India is really great where people liek u reside who have no knowledge of their own coutnry and think themselves smart just ebcuasr they are good english slave followers and start preaching. U r literate bu uneducated. Go first ask your locality primary school teacher what's the national language, national symbol, national, animal and national bird..then rant here looser!
Hindi me Kahwat hai beta:
Adhjal Gagru Chalkat jaye...
iska bhi matlab pooch lena aapne guruji se. Bhag aab yahan se!

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Review: Eastern Promises