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RE:Dutt insulting his girl friend????
by SS BHat on Jan 12, 2008 07:37 AM

Mr Naveen,

I am not trying to build a hill out of a rat hole. It was so strange looking gesture from Dutt gifting a 1 lac car to his GF. Now she herself is so rich, is she going to it? it has no AC, no side mirror etc. Why would she use it??

Now why didn't dutt by for himself?? why is he gifting??

Well I do feel that this is to stimulate other boys to give a gift to their GFs this car. Obviously Tata must have used it as a business trick.

I think that is what it is. But it is bit insulting to a GF. I do not think a fully loving boy friend will feel comfortable to gift a cheap item.

I can understand if a class 4 worker gives this car as a gift to his GF then it is a great gift if she is also poor or class 4. It is like showing how much that BF lives his GF. But here these people are millionaires, so it is very strange.

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The above message is part of the Discussion Board:
Sanjay Dutt to gift Nano to girlfriend