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Dutt insulting his girl friend????
by SS BHat on Jan 12, 2008 06:18 AM

never red such a funny article. Sanjay Dutt gave 1 lac car as a gift to his girl friend.

So definitely there is a problem between them, agree?? a boy giving the cheapest car to his girl friend. And making it official??

Sounds strange for me. I can understand giving a costly car and making it a news. This is to impress the girl friend. But giving the cheapest car and making a news?? whenever boys give a gift they will try to give the costliest thing, if they cannot give costly things then they will not make news of it. If they make news then it is hurting the girl friend.

So what is happening here?? did she hurt his sentiments when he was jailed? are the breaking up?? did she sleep with somebody when he was in jail??

what is happening?? why he is giving such a cheap car as gift when he could gift her a car worth of crores?

Well tata may be using it as a business trick or advertisement, but no loving boy friend wants to hurt his girl friend by publicly gifting some thing less expensive.

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Sanjay Dutt to gift Nano to girlfriend