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by Amitabha Das on Jan 11, 2008 04:16 PM

I know this message will be treated as possibly capitalist, but thats because most Indians don't want to face the truth. With this Nano, (and I am sure some more to follow), India will be a nightmare on road. The numer of cars onIndian roads will possibly increase 200% in next 5 years and no of road only increase 30% thus making traffic unbearable and much worse than the pathetic state it is already in. India already had a curse called 'Maruti' over 2 decades ago and Indian roads have not managed to cope with it even today. A car was supposed to be for previleged class, everywhere in the world. I spent the first 27 years of my life without a car, as I could not afford it. Now with Nano, the bike and scooter owners will also have a car each and what will happen to the condition of roads? The developed world is trying to move from cars to even bicycles wherever it is possible, to save fuel and enviroment... and India is marching ahead with the goal of having a 'common man's car'... Lets face it... a CAR was not meant for a COMMON MAN. One should grow into something and deserve to use it rather than buy it as a freebie...

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Sanjay Dutt to gift Nano to girlfriend