I disagree with Kiran. You dont always need SRK, Sanju, Salman or any one of the big start to make a movie work among the AAM JANTA. Take an example of BHEJA FRY. No doubt there are not many examples like Bheja Fry but it proves that without a crowd puller start a movie can simply work on a good script and good acting. Vinay Pathak proved. He carried the whole movie on his shoulders. Same can be done by Rajpal Yadav. He is just not a comedian. He is a good actor which he proved in his offbeat movie Main Meri Patni Aur Woh. I hope he doesnt get carried away like Johney Lever. We lost a good comedian who was not picky in selecting movies. Same can happen to Rajpal Yadav. Talking about directors, it is sad that we do not have audience who would like to watch different movies. You need darkness to appreciate light.