Himanshu, you right on. Sometimes, it is good to stick to what you do best rather than making a half baked effort at being different. Actors like Rajpal lack that extra zing to carry a film on there own shoulders. A Shahrukh can pull a mediocre Om Shanti Om to make it a block buster, but a Rajpal, however talented he may be, cannot do the same. You may have noticed, that Mahmood was a great actor and a bigger name than many of his contemporary lead actors. But he did not try many times to carry a whole film alone (he did try a couple of times, Kuwaara Bapp and maybe some other, I dont recollect). He was a bit successful in his solo attempts, but did not stretch it too far so as to loose his originality. It pays to stick to your stregths and play it from there, true in any field, and more I guess in film industry where mistakes can be difficult to undo for small palyers like Rajpal (Abhishek's, Hrithik's will get ample chances, do not compete with them I'll say). Like Arshad Warsi went on to do sidekick roles with great finess and is more in demand than what he would have been, had he stuck on to his main hero tag, so should people like Rajpal do.
That said, am very pleased to see some good quality comments here. I was yet to see something relevant and wothwhile about movies written here. It was always a bickering about SRK, or north south divide. Good to read some good analysis on films. Comment section limits the length of article, so let us know if you write blogs.