Hi Abhijit! Welcome to the forum....well, according to me Bobby was definitely not a commercial compromise - it was simply moving with the times! Joker was an indulgent piece of work - just like Naach, Aks, LOC...and how can I forget the latest addtion to the club - 'Saawariya' - wherein a director simply lost control of the story and got too carried away with his fantasies, his techniques, his style, the works. Movies where a director becomes more of a 'show-off', arrogant and grandiose in his declarations to the world - "Look at my marvelous piece of art!" Yes! Bobby was a typical Masala fare...and whats wrong with that? Masala doesn't comes easy! Else every 'Sunday' would be a big hit! Bobby, Love story, DDLJ, MPK, QSQT, Jab we met - these are the movies that would work in any era! they're mushy, feel-good - but they define the very existence of Bollywood. As a film-maker you ought to be responsible! And raj kapoor became more responsible after the joker debacle. Rakesh roshan with Koi Mil Gaya after the Koyla debacle. Rakesh Mehra with Rang de Basanti after Aks. Tell me are any of these movies 'commercial compromise'? On the other hand directors like RGV, Bhansali, Kukonoor and Anurag Kashyap hit the odd 'indulgent' patch with movies like No smoking and Bombay to Bangkok. Bottomline - Its all a creative cycle. And why good movies fail and why bad movies click is a million dollar question which even Arindam Chaudhury with his much-hyped researches could not answer!!