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RE:Chala Rajpal Hero Banne!
by Himanshu Manroa on Feb 01, 2008 07:18 PM

A market researcher working in an outsourcing unit...a pucca hindi filmy buff! a keen observer of trends in direction since the golden era....was a firm and staunch 'bhakt' of RGV....till the time he made Naach, and Shiva, Nishabd and RGV ki Aag....and Darling!! Phew! He lost his mind and I lost my GOD!!
Another major example of getting too over-ambitious, over-indulgent and over-hype killing all his projects!
Think about it - had he not positioned Aag as a Sholay remake and quitely released it just like any other bombay-underbelly-gangsta flick (and ofcourse with minimum references to the parent film) - it might just have worked!! Just like 'Shootout at Lokhndwala'! What say Santosh?

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