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Saawariya :> Amazing movie. A fresh breath of air
by Renab singh on Nov 13, 2007 06:08 PM

Amazing movie. A fresh breath of air. Let us face it, this movie people will either adore or hate. There can be no middle path. It is all about the extreme passion for your kind of cinema!

On the film, it takes you through all the emotions. It is amusing without the usual jokes but excellent situations e.g. one is amused about the kind of safety pin that can tie a young daughter to keep her home. Bhansali delivers one in the movie that can do it and perhaps the most beautiful safety pin in the world.

or the excellently executed underline-humor filled dialogues between Ranbir-Gulabji, Ranbir and so perfect Lilypop (all credit to the Dialogue/Screenplay writer besides SLB) .

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Review: The Saawariya Fiasco