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RE:sawariya is magical and beautiful
by Hit on Nov 13, 2007 03:31 PM

I totally agree with you! It does indeed deserve a better rating... no movie needs to be put down here, neither OSO nor Saawariya...
I now believe both the movies shouldnt have been released on the same day.. It's evident that SK has a very huge and sold fan base, that gets too protective of him, which is fine. But that in turn works against the other actors/actresses and their movies....

When Ranbir shows his torso, he's being labelled funny things, but when SRK shows his, its a great thing!!!

I don't know how it works, but quite frankly, i think amongst the khans, Aamir Khan is the best! and if anyone should show off their bodies amongst the khans, it'll forever be Salman!

But Ranbir rocked! he's a breath of fresh air for sure!!!

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The above message is part of the Discussion Board:
Review: The Saawariya Fiasco