Its a refreshing movie seen in a long time. Dharmendrahas actually acted in this movie considering he is not known as an actor. Bobby deol is not only refreshing but he has never looked so cool n good looking. Sunny's role is not well etched out. And the ending could have been more better perhaps a trainning schedule of 3 months may have done the trick. And there was no requirement of Dharmendra's melodramatic sacrifice stuff. However its a well made movie. And very different from the movies seen this year. It actually strikes a chord. I actually had no expecation but by the end of it, it does touch your heart and gives you feel good factor.
A warm n yet not over the top. And no Sunny isnt doing the gaddar stuff. It more tonned down role.
Its the best movie along with Metro n Bheja fry. Must watch. Parents would love it.