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RE:Apne movie revie
by VA on Jul 09, 2007 12:57 PM

Hello ON:

I guess that the Karan Johar and Yash Raj's bullcrap about millionaire NRI cry babies really turn you on. I guess movies where spouses fight for no reason (KANK for instance) and then wake up one morning and have affairs turn you on. I guess if Apne was made with SRK, AB, H Roshan, Kajol and Rani would have turned you ON.

I've moved to the US 20 years ago and laugh at the junk that the above mentioned folks throw at us. They have no frigging idea of what life is really like for an NRI.

And that's why I loved APNE. It beats the shit out of all the SRK movies that have been released under the Yash/KJ banner. The only reason AB existed is because of his horse shit PR. On the other hand, the Deol's are down to earth and do not know how to bullshit...I guess that does not sit well with the superficial bollywood junta. Dharmendra in Apne takes SRK/AB and a host of others to acting school. However, just as in years past---the fakers in Bollywood are going to award the best actor prize to a person whose last name begins with a B or a K.

Get a life man....stand outside the theaters and wait for Chak De India and a dose of the King Khan Over Acting Studio. That may suit you a bit more.

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Apne: Dharamendra clicks