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RE:Apne movie revie
by on Aug 05, 2007 09:54 PM

Yet again we have another stupid freshy SRK and AB fan/hater of REAL acting. These idiots dont get tired of repetative work and stories like love triangles, long lost families, and other stupid retarted unrealistic bullshit. And then the unbearing overacting of SRK and AB wtf?! How obvious can u make ur acting! If it werent for Dharmendra these stars wouldnt have even been born! Dharmendra gave Sholay and Zanjeer (which was passed onto him by Guru Dutt) to the stupid AB, and that guy has so much attitude! U want REAL actors go to the Deols who just want 2 entertain us. At last they give a decent family film where u dnt have indian girls in western clothing or any rip off of Hollywood films and u guys cant take it cos it dont involve the so-called actors like SRK, AB, roshan, khans etc seems 2 me like the industry was desperate 2 get in ther list of big names just like Hollywood does so they be able 2 compare. If u dont call the 3 Deols, realistic fight scenes, good cinemetography/direction/production, casting, and storyline entertainment, go suck on ur typical Bollywood wanna-b actors bullox of films and they will NEVER b as good looking or comparable to the acting of Dharmendra in his youth or even at his old age, I'd love 2 c how SRK or ne1 else will look when they 70 !!! & SRK, AB etc etc all look up 2 Dharmendra so if they respect him n his work, mayb u shud 2! U got no sense of judgement or taste mate, go sit on ur own and watch ur stupid rip off movies. Deols ROCK!!!!!

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Apne: Dharamendra clicks