Its 2:47 am , normally everybody would be sleeping, but Iam right here to write something which I felt is not at the mercy of the time. I just came home after watching the movie APNE and felt like writting this.
Hats off to Anil Sharma for brining in all the deols together.Fantastic performance by all in volved and what shall I say DHARAMji ... HE ROCKS. You laugh with me, u get angry with him you shed tear with him. He makes you do all this with him. He is the crowning glory of the movie. Rarely seen an actor of his genre enacting so many emotions in such a convincing way. YOu can feel his anger his grief his frustration and love for his sons. Truly mesmerising.
Bobby puts in a decent performance and in the first half Sunny left me wondering what is he there for ? But man the scene in which Luca challanges him gave me a goose bump.He machoism makes the anderline rush. After a long long time I cud see well groomed educated multiplex crowd actually enjoying whistling and clapping at various scenes. It was a welcome change from the normal routine movie where u watch the movie like septugenarian english cricket fan, with the gentlemanly cap on.Coming back to the movie