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Angelina Jolie...well done
by Rob Bravo on Jun 19, 2007 11:35 PM

I agree there lots of indian actress more beautiful and talened than Angie Jolie.

But I think she has done great philanthropic work. Because of her celebriy-persona, she ( & Brad Pitt) has able to put/pull some focus on some of the very important issues of the WORLD (not just america. Wheather or not she has any ulterior motives behind it, it is helping the world.

I have hardly seen any indian stars (includes Big B, SRK and Amir K) doing anything on similar wavelength. Shame on our stars!! With the kinda media coverage and money they get, if they are compassionate lots of things for under privileged could get better in India.

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Chasing Angelina Jolie