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Duniya - Top Notch
by Madhusudhan N on Mar 05, 2007 10:02 AM

Excellent movie.. It is an action movie. All I can say is its the best among the action movies..!! Hats off to the director Soori for bringing up the movie so naturally and practically..!! Each n every role in the movie is unique and will leave a great impact on you..!!
The movie takes off very well and the first few scenes are heart-touching ...

I am bit hesitant to recommend it for family audience as it has a lot of violence. But this sheer violence is demanded by the script..

Vijay is a gem of an actor..!! No surprise if he wins best actor award... RangayaNa Raghu will leave an impression in everybody's mind...

Songs bagge heLode beda.. they are very good..and have become very popular now a days..!!! Hats off to Sadhu kokila for his splendid work as a background music director..!!
Rashmi and kishore have given justice to their roles..

Duniya -- Yaar gori meloo yaru yaak sathru antha bareyolla...

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Duniya is refreshingly original