Today's KBC has lost its caliber, dignity. Miss u Bachchan sahab. Well guys its a laughter show,whereas this clown is earning on immitating the icon.Ever been to juhu beach,you'll often find a monkey madari waala whose monkey enacts like seth n walks n jumps...I god juhu beach on my screen thanks to star plus:)A monkey comes entertains(not me but himself,with hefty sum)packs up n goes away.He has just 2 friends 1 guy who isnt much of a guy & 1 gal who is not at all like gal.Karan J & Farah K.RAAM MILAAYE JODIYAAN ,GADHEY KI MILI GHODIYAAN.STAR PLUS U ARE BOGUS NOW...PLZ DNT SHOW COVERAGE OF YOUR FLOP SHOW IN YOUR NEWS ALSO,,PPLE MIGHT STOP WATCHING NEWS ALSO ALONG WITH THE KAUN BANEGA CHAMPU SHOW!