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RE:RE:all srk haters
by raju on Aug 08, 2007 03:17 PM

pehle to apni ginti barabar kar le. 11 nahi 16 ladkiyan hain film mein.

tell me the diff. between SRK and Sachin's rise as superstars. If you tell that SRK depends on KJ and AC which is not true, Sachin haters say the same thing that he does not do well when conditions are tough and is not a match winner just an accumulator of records. When the truth is that without sachin or shahrukh, their respective industry will collpase. interest in cricket will become quiet less after sachin retires and craze of commercial cinema will also disappear after SRK exits the scene, truth is both of them have been inspirational icons in their respective fields for last 15 yrr and more.

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What you didn't know about SRK