Well, what can I say? Decades into Bollywood (or at least into a family that is) can do it to you. The only 'ism' you start believing in is plagiarism. Ms.Anupama%u2019s previous book on DDLJ sucked big time. The author has neither a decent flair for writing nor the honesty to admit it and take a break. All she has is contacts and lo she demands her place under the sun. Dear Anupama, I have had the pleasure of reading your book on SRK. But unfortunately I also had had the opportunity to read Mushtaq Shiekh's book on him called "Still Reading Khan." And I am sorry to notice that majority of the lines you wrote in your book are a product of a simple exercise in Cut and Paste. I am even more sorry that you come from the home of Mr.Vidhu Vinod Chopra, a wonderful director known for his original and quality works. Do us a favour. Don't steal from talented writers an opportunity to write a book on any Bollywood star. Just because you are well-connected shouldn't mean other writers are less-endowed. And one more thing: There is no good writing and bad writing in this world. Only honest writing and dishonest writing. And the next person you might approach with the offer to write a book on him may not be as polite and as magnanimous as Shah Rukh Khan.
And sorry for being rude to you today. Somebody had to.