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this is what plagues India
by kalyan chatrathi on Apr 02, 2007 12:25 PM

A general statement about discussion boards content: After being witness to north v/s south fights on the rediff discussion board, i am not surprised why India had a history like it did. Any 2-bit foreigner came here and 'conquered' it and plundered it. If well educated people (people on the web have atleast basic education) can show this behavior, i can understand how easy it would have been a few centuries ago when levels of education was not so high. To make ourselves look good, we like to pull other people down.

I have travelled and met a lot of americans in the recent few years. They usually put others on a pedestral (qualify them as experts) and prove that they are better than the experts which is a more positive way in the overall context.

I know that my statement is likely to be critized and even censured but i think all of us need to think on the basic question: How do we treat our fellow citizens?

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