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Kill the Oxygen supply
by Appu Shaji on Apr 02, 2007 01:38 PM

People being over-passionate over something is quite a natural process (be it cricket or be it movie: the two things people in our country are so passionate about). But before you add into the every increasing few bytes that will abundantly flow around in www, be a bit more responsible. A film (one of the complex of art forms) is a culmination of lots of thought and perception of beauty which has originated from varied sources and parts of the world. So let's not try to discover the non-existing segregations in them and give un-due (infact rather dangerous) communal aspects over it. I have only but extreme pity (and contempt) if people still wants to carve out grotesque feelings out of this.

It is common knowledge that for fire to sustain you need constant supply of oxygen. So let's not provide the trolls with ever necessary oxygen by counter reacting to them. They are pretty harmless and in popular language: "big time losers". That is why they are barking out here, at the first place.

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Veyil: 1st Tamil film at Cannes