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new don not a patch on old don
by joseph.k.joseph on Oct 22, 2006 10:06 PM

i saw the film yday and i must say it does not match up to the original especially the very last scene.

there was no need to farhan to tamper with the original script.the film started with great promise..

but from the 2nd half onwards when he tampered with

the script he lost it.all the actors are reduced to

caricatures from the 2nd half and as a result they

look as if they do not know what to do.the malik

character should have been the villain like the

original.i saw the old don on dvd recently and

this new don is no patch on the old one.i have a

prayer to all..please don't remake old amitabh classics.srk can never fill the shoes of big B!!!ram gopal verma please abandon your sholay!it will be

worse than don remake.and priyanka..wearing small

itsy bitzy outfits to flaunt ur figure is not acting!

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SRK pays just tribute to Don