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aah,i guess u r harsh this time
by nickhill4u on Oct 22, 2006 01:19 AM

i dont follow shahrukh movies blindly n other than ddlj and swadesh i have found most of his movies overhyped.

but before the release of don,i watched the old don to be in a position to judge the movie at its merit.

i guess the time when the previous don released it was too deadly a lpot for the audiences as far as their exposure to such kinda scrpits was concerned.

but as the present generation as been so exposed to different kinda cinemas,thanks to the multiplex culture...that its a little unfair to rate this movie low.

i beleive all that ends well is good n in recent times,most of the movies havent ended so well.

the movie's end would not make u watch even the most ardent fan of shahrukh watch the movie the second time,but it is total paisa vasool for a one time watch.

i wud like to thank farhan for the movie the way its made,u have met my expectations.

i wud want this movie to work....i was entertained

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