Well, i guess if anyone makes a judgement on DON, based on Mr.Raja's review, he/she is gonna miss out on one of the most well-made movies of our time..Yes!!!I'm not exaggerating a wee-bit..!!!DON is a classic thriller..and its a must see.I guess where Raja has missed the plot in this review is that he has not reviewed DON,2006..he has only tired to compare it with its original,made about 30 yrs ago..!!!lemme tell u one thing guys,u just cant make a comparison like this..!!!Both the movies are made in different eras..and both are classics..But I would just add that the plot & story of DON,2006 is much much better and thrilling than the original version.Farhan Akhtar has made a fast,crisp & stylish thriller which I would say is made for the first time in the Indian Movie Industry.Shahrukh is at his best and the other characters are ably enacted by the chosen actors.The background score of the movie is really rocking...!!!All in all..DON is a film to be seen in the theatres..so get hold of ur ticket ASAP pals..dont miss this amazing movie-ride..!!!