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The review
by Sanjay on Oct 21, 2006 07:01 PM

I have seen it.And I can't give more than a star and half.See...the whole point is this is a REMAKE.For an instance,if we all imagine this one to be the FIRST one, definitely it would have won so many start..considering the plot,dance sequence,not to mention the super actions.
Not, let's all come back to reality.This IS a REMAKE.The skeleton is the same...its just a new face.Whatever good you see in the new Don should be credited to the old skeleton.Whatever sloppy things we notice out here is certainly the Farhan effect.For example, there can be no argument that the Paan song was a thousand times better in the original Don,even when you consider it was shot against such a poor backdrop.

Let's accept it guys...pure brilliance can never be surpassed by technical mastery.

For those who have not watched the original, I'd urge you to go back to the good old VCD/DVD shop and grab a copy of the old back and see how even with a paltry budget(the old Don was stupefyingly poor in action sequences..especially the rope walk by Pran..its horribly laughable) the director(Chandra Barot was a debutant) managed to deliver a gripping product.

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SRK pays just tribute to Don