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SRK's Don is just awesome!
by DK on Oct 31, 2006 02:57 AM

All of you including Mr. Sen and Ms. Verma who are whining and carping about SRK's Don, I think ya'll need to get a life! :>}

I watched Don a couple of days ago and I just loved it. I think SRK did a wonderful job as Don. I say it now and I will say it again .. and again .. and again .. and again .. and again ..... that no one else in the current era of bollywood could've pulled off this role as Shahrukh did. Not Jr. Bachchan (gimme a break), not Ajay Devgan (yawns), not Akshay K. (oh come on!), and definitely (with all due respect) not THE BIG B.

Big B was awesome in his day and in his portrayal of Don, so don't get me wrong for my previous statement.

All I'm saying is, it's futile to compare the two versions. Period.

The movie is very stylish and worth your money.

Quit quibbling and please stop bashing Shahrukh. He rocks all the way. BTW Priyanka looked absolutely stunning! Go watch Don if you haven't already!

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SRK pays just tribute to Don