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New Don is good
by Somebody on Oct 29, 2006 09:12 PM

I have seen the movie and undeniably it is a good effort by all the actors as well as the director. The movie might seem good to all the pre-assumptive minds only if they saw this is an individual movie. No one has given an unprejudiced comment on this one. The movie though is a remake has its own avant-garde and everyone involved has done a good job. Comparing Shahrukh and Amitabh is insensible, Amitabh has an amazing personality and his unmatchable voice made him the perfect "DON". Shahrukh has done justice to the job and I dont think there would be a substitute to the "NEW" DON. So people please watch this movie once without a pre-conceived notion.

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SRK pays just tribute to Don