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Farhan-- the DON
by Roy on Oct 23, 2006 09:15 AM

If u have watched the promo of DON, it says -- "The Chase Begins"
undoubtedly Farhan Akhtar has really made it a point that The Chase Has really began.........

Seeing a movie which is remake, Watching DON, the only thing that would keep u engaging is Farhan's superb direction and THE TWIST!
Not to forget about the exotic locations of Malaysia....

King Khan's performance as Don doesn't live upto the expectations that follows while u are replaying the great DON.....

Farhan could have made King Khan's entry more interesting and lively.....
Moreover Don is more about attitude and implicit style-statements but somewhat Shahrukh doesn't fit into that mould.
A passable first half where u may feel bored, same somewhat-Matrix-like fight sequences but there in Farhan Akhtar makes a Tales Spin......

Surely go and watch the movie .........
not for King Khan
not for Music
but for Farhan Akhtar.........

He is actually the real DON

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SRK pays just tribute to Don