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FARHN and SRK has spoiled their own good reputation
by Nikhil on Oct 20, 2006 03:27 PM

Why everybody wants to make Remake ?. If directors are planning to make remake then why they are not making the remake of Past years FLOP film and try to make a better film so that what people didn't liked on those FLOP film can watch the improved one.

To make Remake of FLOP movie and crete it into HIT or SUPERHIT is better than to make remake of SUPERHIT movie and convert it into a FLOP movie.

If FARHAN AKTHAR and SRK wants themselves to prove as a brilliant director and actor then they should have taken a subject of FLOP MOVIE to create it a big SUPERHIT MOVIE. By making "DON" they have spoiled their reputation and has given a boring film to the viewers which they will realise after watching the reviews and public opinion. The NEW "DON" is no match to the original "DON"

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SRK pays just tribute to Don